Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    WINNER Announced!!

    Judy Brunelle
    We have a winner!!
    Judy Brunelle correctly identified the photo of Porter and The Wolf sitting at the bar at Port'er's Island Thyme.  This photo and accompanying article was printed in the October,2011 issue of 
    Caribbean Travel and Life, page 46.  

    October 2011:  C a r i b b e a n T r a v e l & L i f e- Page 47
    Quirky outposts:
    There’s nowhere quite like
    Salt Cay. Its six square
    miles boast five churches,
    a 12-student schoolhouse and who
    knows how many donkeys ambling
    along dusty and largely deserted
    byways. A century and a half ago,
    when the island was the economic
    hub of the TCI’s salt trade, more than
    1,000 people lived here; now there are
    barely 70, and livestock have the right
    of way. But there couldn’t be a more
    perfect for location for Porter’s Island
    Thyme, the restaurant and bar that
    has become Salt’s de facto hub and a
    much-loved watering hole for hardy
    islanders, adventurous expats and
    tranquility-seeking visitors. Affable
    Texan Porter Williams is the master
    of ceremonies, a retired exec who
    spent 18 months transforming this
    19th-century salt raker’s cottage into
    a hybrid bistro/bar/art gallery/town
    hall/movie theater. Colorful Haitian
    paintings line Island Thyme’s rafters;
    papier-mache fish and sea creatures
    are strung from the ceiling; ABBA
    and Jimmy Buffett Christmas tunes
    emanate from the CD player; and a
    sign reads, “No Shoes, No Smoking.”
    While most patrons come to catch up
    over “the coldest beer on island,” an
    iron-stomached few are here to earn
    a coveted zookeeper T-shirt, awarded
    to those who can down a series of
    four animal-themed shots that starts
    with Wolf, a secret concoction that
    reportedly includes “wolf testicles
    from an Oriental food store in
    Torrance, California.” Like we said:
    There’s nowhere like Salt Cay.

    Congratulations, Judy!!!    

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