Thursday, April 29, 2010

    Salt Cay: The Rest of the Story!

    Salt Cay Development Companies Press statement with respect to the Writ and Statement of Claim issued by Attorney General regarding Salt Cay project:

    On Monday we learned that the Attorney General on behalf of TCIG issued the Writ and the Statement of Claim which includes a claim for the cancellation of our Development Agreement, Lease and Sale and Purchase Agreements of Crown Land. This claim affects all the Development Companies - Salt Cay Estates Ltd., Salt Cay Devco Ltd. and Salt Cay Golf Club Ltd.

    The contents of the papers submitted to the TCI Supreme Court are unfounded and frivolous. In addition they contain lots of factual mistakes and ignore facts and documents that are available to TCIG. We believe that this action is politically motivated as result of the enormous pressure on the Interim Government from both the TCI and UK. It is just another demonstration of the arrogance, ignorance and irresponsibility of those who currently govern the TCI.

    We welcome the opportunity to have an independent judicial power rule on the matters set out in Writ and Statement of Claim and that finally we will have a chance to defend our rights in a proper and open manner. We will present our project and its context to the court and to the people of TCI. We remind the public of our opinion that process Robin Auld and his Commission adopted was unfair and non-standard – and that he published false and unfounded allegations about us without giving us a proper chance to defend ourselves and in particular to be publicly heard. He even repeatedly refused to publish our statements and by that we believe he failed to follow the principles of natural justice and principles, which he himself said he would follow, such as the Salmon principles.

    We declare clearly and strongly that we have never bribed any member or former member of the TCI Government nor anyone else in connection with our project on Salt Cat Project or any of our other activities. We never obtained any privileges, favours or better conditions from TCIG or the Crown. On the contrary we have always paid more for Crown Land purchases than anyone else at the relevant time and place. The lease of Crown land for the golf course was under similar conditions to other courses in TCI and our lease is similar to those in the Caribbean region and the UK as well. We have received fewer advantages and allowances, but more obligations in our Development Agreement than any other developers on TCI with comparable project. A comparison of all Development Agreements that TCIG have entered into will show this. All contracts with TCIG were negotiated and executed by us following negotiations conducted with the AG’s Chambers, and were entered into following the applicable law and with our good will. We will continue to follow our obligations under these agreements.

    The steps of the TCI Interim Government, especially their failure to perform their obligations and follow applicable law has caused us huge damages. We will be making a claim, in the strongest possible terms, within the proceedings just issued by TCIG to recover all our losses arising from the actions of TCIG. We hop it will not just be the people of TCI who will be bearing the consequences of unqualified decisions of others.

    We are ready to come in front of the court and bring forward all facts and documents which will disprove each and every one and of TCIG’s allegations. We are sure that any independent court will find in our favour and we hope that the other side will not unreasonably prolong the process.

    We will not make any more public statements or declarations until the court has made its final decision.

    Salt Cay Estates Ltd.
    Salt Cay Devco Ltd.
    Salt Cay Golf Club Ltd.

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